Merge and edge

 From:  tyglik
1041.5 In reply to 1041.4 
>>Any other ideas for what a Merge command should do?

Until now I haven't found out anything so I rely on you to think of something :)

>>The only other problem I'm worried about is that Merge sounds kind of similar to Join [...]
>>I might want to kind of stash it a little bit away in that "advanced edit tools" menu or something extra.

I agree with you about that.
On Rhino newsgroup there was quite a lot of questions like "What is the difference between MERGE and JOIN?", so yes, it might be a problem. Moreover, Merge command even occurs in MoI - Boolean-Merge.


ps: I have noticed when I click a Show Pts command without pre-selection an object, no command prompt appears...

EDITED: 18 Oct 2007 by TYGLIK