Smoothing Polygons

 From:  Pozero
1027.5 In reply to 1027.4 
Hi Michael...Thanks on help tips. I already use expanded Meshing Options (lower left arrow), by default, but one thing I don't know is how to use it preciseley. Here is what I use: POLYGONE DIAL (More Polygons) to maximum, OUTPUT -NGons, DISPLAY- Shaded+Edges, WELD VERTICES ALONG EDGES turned off, ANGLE- 3, DIVIDE LARGER THAN- empty, Down Arow Menu- Curved, AVOID SMALLER THAN, ASPECT RATIO LIMIT- all of them empty.

Ok, there are options I use by default. I guess I should type some numbers inside of Divide Larger Than or other two empty boxes.

Please Michael, tell me what are the best exporting options in MoI for my mesh if I want to deform it (make a character) inside of other app?
That mean that I need highest polygons model that is possible. If it is easier to you, you can post SCREENSHOT of Meshing Options set to maximum for exporting.

Thanks a lot again. All the best. MoI RULES !!!