Hide Command on View Menu

 From:  JMan (JNMANDELL)

Great modeling program. A beautiful interface, other CAD programs need to take your lead. MOI reminds me of Rhino in the old days, with better functionality. I am impressed that you have incorporated shelling into the program. That is something I was hoping to have seen in Rhino by now.

Several quick interface comments. I think it would be more intuitive to place the Hide Command on the "Views" pallete versus the Edit Pallette. Also having the Split, Front, Right and Top view buttons at bottom of menu screen seems a little inefficient. Just clicking in a particular window to expand that window seems more efficient. Another point is having construction palletes float so I can change their ordering to suit might be nice for some people. But I don't see a need to offer so many interface options that I get lost. Keep the number of ways to access the interface simple. We don't need multiple ways to access a command. That is something that has always frustrated me with programs like Solidworks and Pro-E. After all we only have one keyboard layout and I don't hear millions of people complaining about that.

Keep up your great work. I will plan on purchasing the software when ready to release.

Kindest Regards