yep, you were right.
I think that ctrl-z to cancel the operation would be very nice, a lot of people are used to that option. Also, when moving objects and right clicking it would be nice to have the object return to its original position without activating the previously used tool.
there is another problem that I am having that I can't find another way to do, and its not a bug I don't think.
when I have a rail, made up of three joined parts, and then that rail is duplicated and moved up, and slightly changed, I then create a three part joined piece between the two rails, and I try to sweep that part along those two rails. It does the sweep but then it creates three separate parts that are not joined to each other at the points where the rail's pieces are. I can do in Rhino, but MoI does not like it for some reason.
Do you want me to upload the file? There is also another problem with the two rail sweep on the same part that I was making.