Character modeling inside of MoI

 From:  Pozero
981.3 In reply to 981.2 
Well the thing I like THE MOST in MoI is just the pricisely modeling and changing shapes. In sculpting apps I don't know hot to get so precise and straight lines look like I do in MoI, so he is my favourite app for this. After all if I can't do some details on my character I will export my model from MoI to some sculpting app and done it there.
For example, I using MoI to make a Shark which I will later import in Poser and attach to one human character so that I could get SharkMan :-)
Here I attached rough scatch of Sharks body I modeled in MoI (Loft and Sweep options) and body attached to human character so that you can see what are my plans. Now I need to bone this shark so that I could move tail and jaws (which are not included in the pic).
Is there some app where I can adjust look of my mesh because I think that I need more polygones here ???
