Script advice?

 From:  christian (CHRI)
965.14 In reply to 965.13 
Hi Michael
Thanks for your quick answers

I'm not familiar with the "split" script, can you show me where that is located?

you can find the link here :
function : Quick Splitting

beginning of the discussion
But you can use the regular boolean difference command to make a cut like that.

boolean difference is the function i have used
but we have to do as many Boolean operations as there are parts to be cut
the result is nice and it's a 3D section
you can also use Construct > Curve > Project to project a line onto objects which will generate section cut curves:

this function is simple and fast but the result is now a 2D section

it would be nice to cut a group of parts with a plan or a line in one time then select between the 2 groups which one should be masked.


EDITED: 14 Apr 2023 by CHRI

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