V4 beta Oct-10-2019 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.36 In reply to 9526.30 
Hi Ed,

> So yeah, if annotations are selected only, then allow them to have a boundary box.
> If annotations are selected along with another object(s), restrict the boundary box to
> the objects as if annotations were not selected (but allow the annotations to follow
> the object(s) when moved?).

I'll give this a try for the next beta. It will enable some kind of odd scenarios like if you have both an annotation and a regular object both selected but they are separated by quite some distance it will be a little odd that the edit frame will seem to be ignored by the edit frame. It's also a little weird when the edit frame does not go around everything selected since it's presence has become kind of an additional selection cue as well.

But it's a pretty contrived scenario since there isn't too much use in having annotations just way off somewhere by themselves. Except possibly text.

So we'll see how it works out.

- Michael