V4 beta Oct-10-2019 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9526.146 In reply to 9526.145 
Hi Alex, so that's working as it's supposed to - when you click on the field it goes to whatever location you clicked on. If you click in the middle of a number it goes in the middle, if you click past the end it goes to the end, like this:

That's just the standard behavior of most edit fields on the computer in general. For example here in my web browser I click past the end of the text in the google search field, it's the same behavior:

Here is how it works in V3 over here at least, it's the same:

There are a couple of different things you can do though, if you double click anywhere on the field it should select everything in the field so that when you start typing the existing text will be replaced.

If you want to input a new value into the first field it isn't necessary to click on it at all, just start typing without doing any clicks and your keystrokes should go to the first field replacing any existing content.

You can also use the Tab key to put focus into the first field which should select all the text so that your next keystrokes replace everything.

If you want to go to the second field you can push Tab twice, the first time it will go to the first field and then the second Tab will move to the second field, again all the text should be selected so whatever you type next should replace it.

Is it possible that you had modified your V3 so it behaved differently from the standard installation? If you like you can edit the file EditSizeMenu.htm inside the ui subfolder in the install folder, and replace all 8 instances of TextInput with NumericInput. That will then make those fields pop out the little menu with number buttons on it like a little calculator and with that control instead of a plain text control it will select all text when you single click on it like you're doing.

- Michael