I am well aware that I am only one user and that anything I say here is purely selfish ...
but ... I really need MoI to have a layering system that is fully compatible with Rhino.
I really like modeling with MoI but its use is restricted for me as once a model gets a little complicated with numerous parts I can't really make if function without layers. My working tools not only include Rhino but rendering programs that work within Rhino and depend on the layering system.
I know, I know ... there are rendering programs perfectly compatible with MoI that I could switch to.
Now I use MoI for parts that I can transfer to Rhino and then assign them to the appropriate layers there. Once that is done any editing had best be done in Rhino ... if the editing is done in MoI the layering properties are lost.
So, again very selfishly ... I hope that Michael is able to find a way to assign properties to MoI objects that will transfer easily to our other favorite programs ... maybe not possible but that is my wish!