V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.79 In reply to 9266.77 
Hi Moritz,

> [Commands]
> NonRepeatingCommands=delete undo redo
> DoNotRepeatShortcutKeys=n
> UseDiameterDefault=y
> AdditionalCommandsDirs=//Users/moritz/Library/Application%20Support/Moi/commands

So the AdditionalCommandsDirs there isn't right, you've got it set there as a web URL. For a regular file name you'd want to have just one / at the start insead of // and have a space instead of %20.

But MoI will already look in that directory by default, so it should not be necessary to try and add it using AdditionalCommandsDirs, that's for adding more directories beyond the regular one.

- Michael