V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

 From:  bemfarmer
9266.62 In reply to 9266.61 
Hi Michael,

The good news is that it seems that my slight modification to Karsten's recent basicFunctions.js for dropdown html documentation, (so the dropdown would work for "Light" colored version of nodeeditor), caused the mouse scroll wheel "Hole" in nodeeditor.

I restored basicFunctions.js (11/2/2017 version) to nodeeditor/nodes/extensions/libs, and the "Hole" is gone, (and the dropdown does not work with "Light" or "Default Dark" version.)

Karsten's recent basicFunctions.js circa March 10th or March 11th, does NOT cause the "Hole", and dropdown only works for "Default Dark" version.

On the off chance that it is of interest, here is a .png with the "Hole" located directly above the enlarged Output node. (The "Hole" is still there if the Output node is not there.)

- Brian

(Karsten has some new code for me to try...)

EDITED: 14 Mar 2019 by BEMFARMER