V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.58 In reply to 9266.57 
Hi Stefan, it's a bug in MoI v4 in writing the mesh settings. It escaped notice until now because most people running MoI v4 have previously run v3 on that machine as well and v3 got those settings populated how they are used to.

So the way it is supposed to work is that the settings for Display = "Shaded, etc.." , Output type and welding are automatically saved (but they aren't that's the bug) but the other numeric ones are not automatically saved (since they can depend on the scale of the particular object) unless PersistSettingsBetweenSessions=y .

So for the moment to get it working how you were used to, delete that PersistSettingsBetweenSessions=n and add in these 2 lines:

[Mesh Export]

It should read those in ok, it's writing them out that is busted. In the next v4 beta I'll have it fixed so it will be writing the settings out same as v3 did.

Thanks for reporting the bug! It was a little bit of collateral damage still left from the v3 to v4 porting.

- Michael