V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.33 In reply to 9266.32 
Hi Lordfox,

> but mostly I miss a Gizmo for moving points in X/Y/Z directions, especially for
> moving/creating points (e.g. in Curves) - this would be a nice to have.

You can already move points or objects in X/Y/Z directions in MoI just by clicking and dragging on the point or object.

If you want to restrict it to only the X, Y, or Z axis then make sure "Straight Snap" is enabled on the bottom toolbar. Then when you move close to the X,Y,Z axis lines it will snap to the axis line. You can also hold down Shift to force it to snap to the nearest one without having to be close to it.

Here is an example showing moving a point in X, Y, or Z:

- Michael