V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.204 In reply to 9266.202 
Hi Nis, thanks for the video. So what's going on there is that MoI waits until you have moved the mouse a certain distance before it starts doing a drag operation. That's so a press and release "click" can be distinguished from a hold and drag.

I looked over the code involved and I do see a bug though where on a Retina display it's incorrectly waiting for double the distance to be traveled compared to V3. So on V4 (on Retina) you need to move the mouse 30 "window coordinate" pixels for the pan or orbit to start while on V3 it was only 15 pixels. I'll fix that for the next beta release.

When "open in low resolution" is enabled though you should be seeing the same behavior between v3 and v4, if you do the same test in V3 and move the mouse very slowly like that you should see the same thing happening, that's intended behavior.

- Michael