V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9266.178 In reply to 9266.175 
Hi Larry also I should mention that I'm hoping that the next v4 beta will be the last one and after that I'll switch to a very conservative mode trying not to make any more changes if possible to avoid introducing new bugs for the final v4 release. So if you have any other .3dm files that don't come across well now would be the time to send them to have a chance at getting them fixed for v4.

So far it seems that CAD exchanger .3dm transfer is working well other than this one particular bug though.

> About that, will the release 4.0 version need to be installed over 3.0, in the same folder? As an add-on
> or expansion of sorts? Or will it be a separate installation?

It's meant to be a separate installation, it's best not to try and install it directly in the same folder as v3.

> If it comes as a separate installer which can be installed in a separate folder, if I install it over V3
> would it retain the plugins I installed?

I'm not quite sure what would happen. It's best not to try and intermingle a v3 and a v4 installation directly over top of each other in a single install folder. It's intended that v3 and v4 should be in separate folders. Probably what would happen is you would have a v4 that worked and the current v3 installation would be broken. Many of the binaries for v3 and v4 have the same file name like MoI.exe, etc... so if you tried to put them in the same folder the v3 ones would get overwritten.

For plugins, most plugins are installed by copying them into the commands folder, you would just copy those from v3's commands folder into v4's commands folder. Also v4 now supports an additional commands folder located in appdata, outside of the main installation folder. It's good to put plugins there instead because then future versions will find them them there instead of needing to copy them around.

- Michael