V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

 From:  Mip (VINC)
9266.144 In reply to 9266.143 
Hi Michael,

> 3D view rotation speed observations
>What is your setting under Options > Grid > "Grid sections" ? The default is 150 but if you have changed that to put in a high value there that might cause these kinds of problems.

My setting in Options > Grid > "Grid sections" was way too high !
I turned it down to 1000 and now it's working fluidly.
Thanks !

> PDF export crash report
I just sent you a crash dump.
This one still a mystery to me.
The MacBookPro has 16gb of memory and the other machine I tried was an 8gb iMac.
When exporting lines (no solids or surfaces), the "Canvas megapixel resolution" option is not there.
However, when I select export a Solid, the "Canvas megapixel resolution" option is set to "30.0".
