Dark Gray Theme

 From:  Michael Gibson
9242.34 In reply to 9242.33 
Hi Ron, ok I see what is going on now. The author of this customized UI has split the command bar into 2 separate files, one part is "CommandBar.htm" and the other one is "_NewCommandBar.htm" and they are set up as 2 separate UIPanels in MainWindowLayout.xml .

So with that structure with it making 2 separate files and 2 UIPanels that is going to always be on 2 separate lines, that looks like it was intentionally designed that way.

To combine them, edit the file _NewCommandBar.htm and go to line 90 which has this:

				<!-- <span id="CommandBarCustomUI">
				</span> -->

Remove the comments so it looks like this instead:

				<span id="CommandBarCustomUI">

Now delete CommandBar.htm and rename _NewCommandBar.htm to CommandBar.htm and edit MainWindowLayout.xml and delete line #6 that loads _NewCommandBar.htm .

With that done you should then have the bottom command bar as a single line.

- Michael