Petr ,
Thanks for the reply .
I will try your suggestions .
I already did export in stl by giving the drawing a certain thickness but I wasn't able to take the thickness off in the programs I tried .(blender, turbocad etc )
Sheetcam reads only 2d files .(I use dxf ) .
Michael is trying to write some basic 3dm to dxf module so we'll see what that is going to be .( what a great service !! )
I can do my main contour with my 3d program ( cut3d from vectric ) but some operetion function better in 2 1/2 d.
I'll post some pictures soon of the cam and the physical routing .
For the manufacturing of these guitar models I will have to do different operations on the same object so I'll machine 2 1/2 d and 3d in separate steps .I will not machine the whole model at once . I just have a home constructed cnc router so I don't have the option of doing complex toolchanges and so .
Well I'm going to try admesh now I'll let you know what happens .
Here's already an attachement of a visual contour path with cut3d from a model extruded from a basic 2d drawing in Moi.
Thanks ,