V4 beta Aug-28-2018 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
9044.24 In reply to 9044.23 
Hi Alex, thanks for sending the files. I tested opening the V4 STEP file in Rhino, ViaCAD, Autodesk online viewer, and back into MoI and the names come through ok in all those cases.

I see in a discussion on the SolidWorks forum from last year where you were asking about a similar problem, another user mentioned to try unchecking the "enable 3D interconnect" option in SolidWorks, does that make any difference?

I have sent a message to the author of the STEP import/export library that MoI uses to ask what has changed in STEP export with the newer library that is used in v4 (the June v4 beta updated these libraries from v1.7.11 to v2.0.8) and if there is any way to configure the export to get SolidWorks to see the name.

Thanks, - Michael