Pattern on a Sphere

 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Thanks Mik.

Hi James,

a small tut, with no pictures, but i hope
it is easy to understand.

Quote user genna87 from Reddit posting:

"With Antiprism you can generate any Goldberg polyhedron:

geodesic -c m,n ico | pol_recip | canonical | off_util -g | off2obj > /path/to/file.obj

m,n is the desired class ( eg: 4,0 )"

I used for m,n = 1,4 like shown in Wikipedia:

Once you have the polyhedron import it with obj import script
and then create a slightly smaller solid sphere near the polyhedron
and additionally place also one point object in the scene.

After that align all three objects, so that they are centered
and copy/paste the edges from the polyhedron. Then do a point
extrusion (no caps) with the obtained lines and the centered point.

Use the generated surfaces to trim the solid sphere.

Now you have a Goldberg pattern on your sphere, which you
can then colorize with MoI.

That's all. :-)

P.S. since i'm no Math geek like you and others i have to
check out why i have problems with creating a Class II
