STL import script with some helpers

 From:  Michael Gibson
8860.11 In reply to 8860.10 
Hi Chris, you might want to try converting the STL file to .obj format and then use the OBJ to 3DM wireframe converter from here:

That makes wireframe lines or closed polylines for each polygon instead of trying to construct a solid out of it which is much more heavyweight.

If you did want to edit this script to not try to join it into a solid, the joining part is done by a function named JoinTriangles(). The function is called on line number 17 in the file _STLimport.js . It's a long line of code, look for the piece of it that has this:

var solid=JoinTriangles(triangles);var sol=solid.numSolids;if(sol<1){var message="SORRY!\nI WAS NOT ABLE TO MAKE A SOLID!\nDont't try to \"Clean flat surfaces\"";}else{var message=sol+" SOLID CREATED!";};

Delete all of that or "comment it out" by putting /*    */ around it and then it shouldn't do the joining part.

- Michael