V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now

 From:  Hamish Mead (HAIRYKIWI)
8814.97 In reply to 8814.1 
Thanks for all the great updates Michael - especially the curvature analysis script interface methods.

Some feedback:
Moving the the commands folder to %APPDATA%\Moi - is definitely a nice feature, but I wonder if the moi.ini file couldn't also contain one or more locations to search for external scripts? For some time I've been keeping all my scripts in Dropbox\MoI\commands, to enable the same scripts to be used from my (Mac) laptop via a Symbolic Link and (Win) PC via a Directory Junction. I appreciate I could easily make that Link and Junction 'just-one-last-time' now the new directory structure exists, but why not let a user specify one or more external script locations in the ini? It could also enable clearly separating beta scripts from full releases, or personal scripts from public ones, for example. Or is this what the %APPDATA%\Moi\startup folder can be used for?

And a question on script compatibility between v3 and v4:
I can't work out what change is required by the Script error thrown when I try running my NACA airfoil script in MoI v4.
"Required function argument 1 (object) missing."

Does MoI v4 require stricter adherance to Javascript best practices?

Any suggestions appreciated, thanks.