V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now

 From:  eddi
8814.77 In reply to 8814.76 
Good morning Michael,

re:re: window - in MoI if that's a solid....

That's why I also took this supposedly stupid example/question.
The windows glass panes are not solids in this example (why too).
1. With "show back faces" you can see it immediately.
2. And the answer for the position would be immediately visible.
3. If the normal's are aligned correctly,
and surface model is exported to other CAD with "show back faces" on (I mean, "on" inside other CAD),
it also looks clean and aesthetically.

But.... I belong to the faction of followers for "show back faces" and put my point of view.
If no further followers word annotate (there are some here),
then the discussion for this function is over here.

EDITED: 19 Feb 2018 by EDDI