V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now

 From:  mkdm
8814.65 In reply to 8814.64 
Ciao Michael and good morning.

Thanks for your detailed reply.

@You : "...I have an idea though that may help with custom commands too, I can probably make a few key methods like factory.calculate() return a script exception if the escape key is held down and the script has not waited for any events for a little while. That should probably force most scripts to exit without needing to rewrite their inner loops to be "interruption-aware". I'll give that a try for the next beta..."

I think that this could be an excellent solution!

@You : "..The regular commands built into MoI like Sweep, Fillet..."

Thanks a lot for explanation.

@You : "...So one thing you can do if you are very worried about not being able to interrupt something is to not run any custom commands and only use the built in ones, that would probably solve your problem...."

I'm sorry but this is absolutely not feasible for me because in my modelling sessions a deeply leverage on custom commands.

Anyway, just in order to better clarify what I wanted to say, please consider these two key aspects (for me)

1) Please, don't write any solution in the next beta that could degrade the speed performance of any custom command.
Most important thing for me is speed of execution!
For example, referring to my previous benchmark : As you have seen the "pipe" command was about V4 is about 3.21 times faster than V3 with that particular benchmark.

If, for example, the solution you thought (factory.calculate() that should return a script exception if the escape key.) will degrade the performance of the pipe command, please DON'T apply this new solution.

2) Keeping intact the speed of execution it would be enough for me to have the chance to SAVE the work with the solution you wrote in previous post :
@You : "..It might be possible to set up something that would trigger an exception and then you'd get the crash dialog which has a save option on it..."

I hope I made myself clear :)

Thank you very much for your kind support.

I stay tuned, please let me know what do you think about this post.


- Marco (mkdm)