V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.34 In reply to 8814.33 
Hi eric,

> Persisting ... I tried an older 'save' and cannot duplicate the problem.

It's likely to be some bug in the display driver that only manifests intermittently. If you run into it again probably try rebooting your machine to let the video driver start totally fresh again and keep on the lookout for new driver releases which will hopefully fix it up. Or on Windows 10 it looks like there is a shortcut for resetting the video driver by using the key combination: Ctrl+Win+Shift+B , that would be more convenient than rebooting.

If it starts happening frequently you might also want to try installing an older driver to see if that works better until a newer driver is available.

Another thing that I'll do is add in an option for the next beta to make MoI use OpenGL on Windows rather than Direct3D11 as it currently does. Usually the Direct3D drivers are much more robust than OpenGL but maybe you've got a case where it happens to be the reverse.

- Michael