V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
8814.30 In reply to 8814.21 
Hi Max, re trackpad issue #1:

> 1.
> Run MoI (v4 Feb-9 Mac)
> Open Nodeeditor window
> Place mouse cursor over NE window
> Try to use two-finger scroll
> (issue) sometimes MoI fires a mousewheel event instead of trackpad scroll event (zooming instead of scrolling)

I couldn't make this happen at first but eventually I was able to. It happens if you do an initial index finger touch over one window, then drag your index finger keeping it constantly in contact over to another window and then add in the second finger without ever having released the index finger.

MoI is mistakenly only detecting one touch in this case. Unfortunately Apple does not provide any built in method for determining if a scroll event came from a trackpad or a mouse wheel. MoI has to figure that out manually by keeping track of touch events and seeing that there are 2 active touches at the time of the scroll.

Hopefully it will be an easy tuneup. Right now you should see that it won't happen if you lift up your index finger and then put down 2 at once to do scrolling.

One other note on the new node editor trackpad support - I think it's not good to set:
this.canvas_moved = true;
in the trackpadgestureHandler, over here at least it makes it a little difficult to get the context menu on a 2 finger right-click because if you move even the slightest amount while doing the right click this.canvas_moved = true; gets set and then that's used to ignore the context menu event. It seems to be used to disable the right click context menu that would be triggered after a right-click drag when the click is released. But a scroll event won't automatically trigger a context menu event like a right click will so it shouldn't be needed for the trackpad.

Thanks for reporting the bug!

- Michael