Hi Marco,
> Ok. I know that I can set mesh angle to a greater value, but at a cost of a
> coarse rendering of the curved surfarces.
One thing you may not be aware of - the mesh angle does not have any effect on the shaded background image generated by AI and PDF export, that generates a custom mesh that's dynamically refined to the canvas resolution.
So even if you set a coarse display mesh resolution, you will still get high quality during the AI export process.
A coarser viewport rendering does not really do any harm during modeling, so if the problem is that you are having sluggish display performance while modeling the solution is just as you write here, set the mesh angle to a higher value so the display mesh is not so heavy.
I do plan on improving the performance for video cards with high VRAM available (about 75% of the infrastructure needed for this is in place now) but there is already a solution you can use right now which is effective.
- Michael