Moi Version 4

 From:  Michael Gibson
8779.21 In reply to 8779.20 
Hi Dimitri, you can set whatever resolution you want by changing the numbers in the shortcut script.

From the link I posted above ( this is the script you paste into a shortcut key:

script:var v = moi.ui.getActiveViewport(); if ( v != null ) { moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; }

That will make a viewport image of width = 2560, height = 2560 in the system clipboard so you can paste it into an image editing program.

But if a 2560x2560 image is not a good size for you, just change those 2 numbers in the script. If you are making it pretty low resolution you may also want to edit the linewidth = 4 to just lineWidth = 1 .

There is also a different screenshot mechanism in MoI that will be taken directly from the screen so you'll get just what you see on your monitor. Most people don't like to use that for print since printing can handle much higher resolutions than the screen. But that one goes like this - go to Options > Shortcut keys, add in a new shortcut key and for the command paste in this:

script:var img = moi.view.screenshot( 'viewpanel', false ); var name = img.getSaveFileName(); if ( name != '' ) name );

Then when you push that shortcut key you should be able to save an image of exactly what you are seeing on screen.

- Michael