V4 beta Dec-12-2017 available now

 From:  mkdm
8731.95 In reply to 8731.94 
I can fully understand Michael :)

It is sort of frustrating for me also not to be able to replicate this very sporadic issue I had.

I don't know what I can say.

I had this strange issue only a couple of times but as I said it happened while I having a little break during my daily job
and many times I do things so quickly that i'm pretty sure I discarded the model and I went back to my job.

I never had any kind of issue like this with Moi and also V4 is fine.

So, don't worry :)

I did so many things quickly and about some weeks ago that for sure I'm getting confused.

I will continue to try to replicate the issue but if I will not find the file you can forget what I've said and not worry about it.

In that case evidently I've made some strange operation or my mind is confused :)

I will let you know.

Marco (mkdm)