V4 beta Dec-12-2017 available now

 From:  mkdm
8731.85 In reply to 8731.1 
Hello Michael!

How are you ? I hope fine.

I SHALL START BY SAYING THAT I DON'T KNOW IF I'M DOING SOMETHING WRONG...but I think that now we have a serious problem with this V4.

I explain.

As you said some times ago, in order to get commands/scripts execution faster than V3, now all the code is executed into the MAIN thread.

And this is OK.

But now I'm experiencing a very serious problem.

When, for example, I try to perform a Fillet or any other command that for some reason takes long time and never ends,
I get Moi frozen and I can't do anything to CANCEL the command!
All I can do is to close Moi with task manager.

And if I didn't save my work before I run the command, all my work is lost!!

The problem is that I can't know if a certain command will run into a indefinitely loop, before I execute that command (for example fillet).

Please, add a mechanism that keep the fast command/script execution while prevent this situation.

I stay tuned.


- Marco (mkdm)