V4 beta Dec-12-2017 available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
8731.67 In reply to 8731.66 
Hi Rich, thanks for testing it!

> Working great so far. One thing seems to be that alt + middle mouse button doesn't pan the
> view for me. It rotates the viewport like alt + left mouse button.

Does just plain middle mouse button with no Alt at all do panning for you though?

I've had a couple others report this difference in view manipulation Alt key handling, and I have it on my list to investigate. I can't remember if it was a change requested by someone for compatibility with some other program like ZBrush or if it's just a bug. If it was a requested change I can make a setting to control it. I should know more when I've gotten closer to wiping off my remaining bug list.

I think the change from V3 though may be that it didn't make any difference if you held down Alt or not when using the middle button, while in v4 it's trying to do something different between plain MMB and Alt+MMB.

.... Ok, I just checked and yes in v3 Alt was just ignored for MMB it didn't matter if you held down alt or not so I was thinking Alt+MMB was unused. Then someone requested Alt+MMB to do rotate for compat with 3DS Max so I set that up for v4. I'll revert that change but make it an option in moi.ini .

- Michael