V4 beta Nov-18-2017 available now

 From:  r2d3
8682.67 In reply to 8682.16 
Hi Max,

>>5. I noticed a rare Orientation Picker bug. Unfortunately I don't know how to reproduce it.

Yes, i had this too...

But i can reproduce it with the attached 3dm file.

Open it - its normal but than use the CPlane tool - it start to flicker..
If you change to split view its even more flicker.
I can reproduce the flicker only with this file ...

This file was hardly tortured by a script i am working on where i also use a orientation picker..
(the script ChangeHole delete holes or change there diameter.. very beta)

I'm curious if one can reproduce it ( i`m on Mac 5k High Sierra)

Hope it helps

EDITED: 22 Nov 2017 by R2D3