Hi Michel,
> Then Moi's window stays on screen but, randomly, it will hide again, sliding to the right after some
> movement from the mouse or trackpad.
> I checked the trackpad settings and no sliding gesture is activated.
As best I have been able to tell so far this is stuff that the OS is deciding to do on its own, the full screen mode uses something called "spaces", and the sliding is when the OS thinks you're doing a gesture for switching between spaces which by default is done with a 3 finger left/right swipe.
The trackpad setting for it is under Trackpad > "More Gestures" tab > "Swipe between full-screen apps" which by default is on.
I'm still looking into it so I'm not totally sure yet but I've seen reports of other apps doing this "run off the screen" thing when using full screen mode and so it's seeming likely to be an OS "feature".
If you hold down the Option key while you click the green maximize button or double click on the title bar you'll get the old style maximize behavior instead of the full screen one.
- Michael