V4 beta Nov-13-2017 available now

 From:  mkdm
8675.82 In reply to 8675.66 
Hello Michael.

Your're welcome!

@You : "...At this level what is the approximate 3D view performance in MoI v3? You can enable the time display in v3 by:
script: moi.ui.showViewportDisplayTime = true;..."

Perfect. I will make this test this evening or night and I will let you know the results.
Clearly I will make this test with the same machine (my desktop PC).

Could you please collect in one single new thread or a single downloadable pdf file, all the little changes that we have to make to
the V4 UI' files in order to make it works with custom UI or in order to update custom html/js plugins written fo V3 ?
A simple "to-do" list where you collect all the little html/js changes that we have to make.
So, in this way we are not forced to search through this thread ("V4 beta Nov-13-2017 available now") all the posts related to that argument.

Thanks a lot.

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)