Hi r2d3,
> WOW!!
> Looks GREAT on a iMac 5K!!!
> And so far the tools are working now!:-)
That's great! And yes it should be a particularly big improvement on Retina displays.
> I have one main issue:
> My Mouse is not zooming... (Apple MagicMouse2) instead its panning... :-(
> But 3Dconnexion is working :-)
Yeah I thought that magic mouse might be a problem, the difficulty is in figuring out the difference between it and a trackpad being used. At the moment I kind of sacrificed the magic mouse for trackpads to work with multi touch. I'll be working on this some more in the next few days.
> something curious:
> My shortkeys are imported but show up different..
> Example: Copy Clipboard was CMD+C and in V4 its Alt+C
Hmmm, yeah probably a bug or complication left over from Wineskin - in V3/Wineskin Alt and Cmd were interchangeable and couldn't be set separately because when you used Cmd Wine would actually send an Alt key since Windows programs don't know about Cmd. So it's something like V3 actually stored them in the moi.ini file as Alt but then displayed Cmd in the editor pane. I'll have to think of what to do about that.
> I love the new Inputboxes for the shortkeys! :-)
Good! Yes now as you probably noticed when you set up a shortcut key you actually do the keystroke you want instead of typing in the name manually. That should make things easier to set up.
- Michael