V4 beta Nov-13-2017 available now

 From:  daniii (DANILIESCUDSG)
8675.114 In reply to 8675.100 
Thank you for the reply.
I've attached an image that shows recent filenames.
Turning hidden lines on fixed the snapping.
I tried setting the nvidia x-server to override application anti-aliasing to no anti-aliasing. It was letting the app configure it by default. Nothing changed regarding the selection. After that I tried on the Noveau driver and selection works. I've also attached the winelogs for both runs(I don't know if that helps).

A bit off-topic: performance on my main rig (new GTX 1080) is way worse than on my laptop (GTX 1050), I'm thinking something else is causing the trouble hardware-wise (motherboard maybe?). Do you have any experience with that? I just ordered another PC for my office and I will start testing with it as soon as it arrives.