Lots of unkown

 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.70 In reply to 8665.69 
Hi Cemortan_Tudor,

> if (moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getEdges().numEdges > 1) is always 0

Which version of MoI are you using? Over here with v4 this is working ok:

moi.ui.alert( moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getEdges().numEdges );

> if (moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getpBreps().getEdges().numEdges > 1) is always 0

You've got a typo in there getpBreps should be getBreps() .

And also getBreps() will return an object list, then getEdges() called on that will only gather edges
that were directly in the object list, it won't gather the edges that are sub objects of the breps. For
that you've got to call getEdges() on a brep object, not on an object list. Something like:

var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getBReps();
for ( var i = 0; i < 1; ++i )
    var brep = breps.item(i);
    var edges_of_brep = brep.getEdges();
    moi.ui.alert( edges_of_brep.numEdges );

> Selected edges dont have Id's ?

In v3 objects don't get IDs assigned to them until they are added into the geometry database. So if you have created a brep as a "loose object" that is not in the geometry database then it won't have IDs yet. In v4 this is different and ids are assigned when an object is created.

var edges = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getEdges();
var ids = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < edges.length; ++i )
    ar edge = edges.item(i);
    ids += edge.id + '\n';

moi.ui.alert( ids );

- Michael