Lots of unkown

 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
wanna ask about rotation - wanna do a to bounding box option on pressing hotkey
first testing on curves -> there's an option in v4 -> crv.planarFrame
tested - but it's shifts from bounding box -> gives planar frame but in another location
my questions ->
1. knowing 2 coordonates is it possible to make a frame ? accordigly to http://moi.maxsm.net/ it needs 3 (as it is from bbox to frame)
2. if upper is true wich will be (z) knowing x & y, next hotkey for flipping axis ()
3. if they are other scrips for rotation ?

shortly what I desire (unify rotation with some extra)
r - rotate
rr - rotate + bbox (planar frame 2d)
rrw(rrs) - rotate bbox + increase/decrease by amount (2d)
rrf - rotate from bbox + flip axis (x/y/z)
rrfw(rrfs) - rotate increase/decrease by amount (3d)
rc - rotate copy
rrc - rotate + bbox + copy
ra - array
rra - array from bbox
- Tudor -