Michael Hi !
It was mentioned before about loop, why not to grab from SpaceClaim the loop
alla( https://youtu.be/-oJ5Xypordo?t=1m47s)
if 1 edge is selected {
check if it's line/curve type ! check for closest surfaces
__if line
_____pick a point from edge of adjustment surface, make a frame from it with first 2 points, check the surface points if are alligned to the frame -> make selection
__if curves
_____can be 1'st, end point and any arbitrary from curve point -> frame & again checks -> make selection
// bassicly we are are checking if adjustment surfaces are flat, if not break )) manual selection!
if 2 edges are selected - run the scrit that u've done !
They are Limitations JS and this can be done only in CORE(i'll write about those later)
thanks !