Lots of unkown

 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.201 In reply to 8665.198 
Hi Tudor,

> for offset - through point, I wanna store value for next op - have the same as previous - how
> shall I do it ? (temporary global save*)

There's moi.command.setOption() and moi.command.getOption() that can be used for that.

The setOption works like: moi.command.setOption( 'string_id', val );

getOption goes like this:
var val = moi.command.getOption( 'string_id' );

One thing to watch out for is that getOption() will throw an exception if there isn't anything saved with that string id before, so you need to use it in a try/catch block like this:

var Val = 5;
try {
Val = moi.command.getOption( 'string_id' );
catch(e) {}

- Michael