Lots of unkown

 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
move - expanded first actions - move + x/y/z/a initial conditions (earlier script respond after first pickedpoint)
s - bbox center

extrude - do backup as part is havelly changed from vanilla
p path
b both directions
c cap ends
d directional // changed - removed distance line and input distance (slightly buggy on surfaces if keypressed while moving mouse - I think it can't update in time and skips update factory)
f tapered/flip tapered
Numpad+ increase tapered angle by 15
Shift+Numpad+ increase tapered angle by 5
Numpad- decrease tapered angle by 15
Shift+Numpad- decrease tapered angle by 5
removed t as hotkey

boolean difference
for closed curves
initial and subtractive if both are on same parallel frame but different frame
move subtractive group to initial and do the boolean difference (made for side views where u see that u have 2 circle's but u cannot subtract cuz they have different frames)
- Tudor -