Lots of unkown

 From:  Michael Gibson
8665.181 In reply to 8665.180 
Hi Tudor,

> Here comes a question - I know disable update - will disable sweep's update(idk others which can update) but
> manual update on what it works ? -> enable history ?

It can be enabled on the results from any command except the Array commands which do not emit history records on objects because it can increase file size on larger arrays by quite a bit. The main limitation to the history function though is that it needs to be able to find the input objects in the current geometry database for it to use them for a recalculation. If the original objects have been removed that will break history updates.

> pointpicker.bindFunc() & pointpicker.bindFuncPostUpdate() - differences, references, other wiki locations !

bindFunc() will make the pointpicker call to the given function before it updates factory inputs and the function can provide the current point value on the pointpicker that will then get pushed to the factory inputs. bindFuncPostUpdate() will make the pointpicker call to the given function after the update sequence has happened so it can look at the results of the update.

> Also with last v4 version will be possible to achieve this future - https://github.com/heimlich1024/OD_CopyPasteExternal
> copy/paste obj extension between softwares !
> by moi.filesystem.getDirs() as all files are in %system%\Windows\Temp folder

I think that system is already working with MoI v3 and v4.

> //on git Author use version of Smirmov's import obj future that has ~ normalize and ~ move actions
> (need digging to understand what they are for, if u know the answer !) - as script -> It should
> copy/replace same object on same position in different softwares !

I think that Max noticed that some programs make .obj files that happen to be at what is considered an unusually small or large scale in MoI, and so he implemented a method to rescale objects to a more normal size when they are read in which is enabled by default. But that is not good for keeping unit sizes the same and so there is an "exact" command line parameter that you can pass in to the script to turn that off:

- Michael