Lots of unkown

 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
8665.180 In reply to 8665.179 
It's true that i'm trying to achieve common environment for modeling - hard surface - will be neat future for history sweep update (shape creation)

Here comes a question - I know disable update - will disable sweep's update(idk others which can update) but manual update on what it works ? -> enable history ?

pointpicker.bindFunc() & pointpicker.bindFuncPostUpdate() - differences, references, other wiki locations !

Also with last v4 version will be possible to achieve this future - https://github.com/heimlich1024/OD_CopyPasteExternal
copy/paste obj extension between softwares !
by moi.filesystem.getDirs() as all files are in %system%\Windows\Temp folder

//on git Author use version of Smirmov's import obj future that has ~ normalize and ~ move actions (need digging to understand what they are for, if u know the answer !) - as script -> It should copy/replace same object on same position in different softwares !
- Tudor -