SubDs...are they becoming a niche toolset?

 From:  James (JFH)
8652.32 In reply to 8652.29 
That's big news Pilou,

The only forum I've ever known to even approach the responsiveness of this one was the silo forum back when it was hosted on the nevercenter site.

It was such a promising software. In the early days it was regularly updated to the applause of an enthusiastic user base.

Then without warning, they abandoned their users, ignoring all queries and eventually closing down the forum. They trash all the goodwill they had built...It was damn shame.
I get that they shifted focus to some new products, but it was just rude that they turned their backs on those customers that had forked out for the first product.

It remains to be seen if they have returned to their old ways.
I truly hope so


EDITED: 8 Nov 2017 by JFH