Moi + Affinity : Moi for 2D workflows

 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone!

Here's the third video tutorial involving the great duo "Moi & Affinity Designer".

This time I've used a bunch of custom commands/scripts.

You can get them here :
Unpack the archive and you will get these commands : PatternSelection and Randomize and these scripts : CenterAtOrigin and RandomDeselect

I hope you like it.

The final results is a little bit messy but I wanted to give you in a few minutes just an example of how to create a "pseudo-3d" geometric background.

This is the video :

P.S. about at position 8:18 of the video you will see my "FilterCurveByLength" command.
I'm almost finished with it and soon I hope to publish the final 0.5 beta version.


Marco (mkdm)