Script to load image

 From:  bemfarmer
8571.4 In reply to 8571.3 
True, no image loading. I recalled the post because it dealt with images, and might be helpful if someone were making a load script.

Images.htm and Images.js are the two existing scripts in MoI.

I am not aware of an automatic Image load script.

I think a good question would be what sort of layout or alignment do you require.
Assuming some sort of repetitive task, a couple of examples might be:

1. Up to six images, one each for: Front view, rear view, left view, right view, top view, bottom view.
(Say to trace out images of some model.) (set up as a "cube", or rectangular 3d box.)

2. Several images laid out checkerboard fashion.

So what would the predetermined alignment parameters be?

I do not know if the Batch Processing script would be relevant. Something to study. (near the end)

- Brian

EDITED: 31 Aug 2017 by BEMFARMER