Polygon to NURBS / solids conversion

 From:  archetype (FABIENF)
Hi Michael,

I second PaQ's request for the ability to import mesh data for reference. Think of it as the 3D equivalent of the reference image functionality we already have. Apart from being able to translate/transform/scale such objects, I think it will be fine to have only a limited toolset to work with these models.

I don't know about snapping to vertices and so on, but that sounds interesting as well for some projects. Being able to intersect planes with meshes to derive curves would be useful too, I presume. But I'm getting ahead of myself here ... simple but efficient import and fast display of meshes alone would be a major thing already! It would make a lot of my work a lot easier.

In addition, having some subdivision-surface functionality in MoI, as you hinted at, sounds extremely interesting! Even more than the things you and me discussed over email last time ;-)

