How to get rid of all filleting issues if you don't need a REAL fillet

 From:  mkdm
8512.7 In reply to 8512.6 
Hi PaQ.

Thanks for sharing! It seems that we started an interesting topic :)

Yeah....Houdini it's really great!! Unfortunately I can't afford the purchase and I have spent a lot of time learning the basics of 3D-Coat...

Anyway...this is another quick example of what I wanted to say about "fake" using 3D-Coat instead of Moi...

This is a simple "non sense" model in Moi. Very, very difficult to fillet, maybe impossible...

The model :

Using the 3D-Coat technique this is what I did :

Here's the pseudo turntable :

See you.

- Marco (mkdm)