How to get rid of all filleting issues if you don't need a REAL fillet

 From:  mkdm
Hi chrisd (CHRIS_DORDONI), STEFAN, PaQ and mariomarimba.

Thanks a lot for your very interesting suggestion.

Well...about "round edges" I have to say that, for what I have experienced so far (not too much to be honest),
the "post-process" or "render-time" solution often produce mixed results

I mean that often good results are too dependent on input geometry.
Not all input geometry gives good results.

Right now I prefer the trick of generating "real" round edges, using the 3D-Coat technique or a similar one.

It gives me much more control and the chance to do a fine retouch of the round edges, using sculpting brushes,
in order to increase the natural look of the model.

Furthermore, in 3D-Coat for example, at the end of the process I can always "decimate" the model to get rid of million polygons
and get a lighter model but with almost the same render quality.

Anyway, thanks again for suggestion!

I already know the Bevel-shader for Blender but I will take a deeper look and maybe with a newer version or
with some similar plugin I hope to get good results.

@mariomarimba, thanks for the tip but I don't have a license of KeyShot.

Any further advice is welcome!


- Marco (mkdm)