CSec Profiles, as in Rhino

 From:  animonster (JESSHILL)
Having used Rhino extensively for years, It is like a breath of fresh air to have all all the extras stripped away and have all the power in a small tablet driven system with the same cad paradigm. There is however one VITAL extra that Moi is missing, and is an integral part of constructing a nurbs model from profiles in Rhino. Namely the CSec profiles functionality. For those reading this and are not familiar with Rhino numbs modeller which the author of Moi helped develop, and upon which Moi is so cleverly built, it is a function that allows one to take a few profile lines, and construct cross section nurbs which closely fit the profile lines; hence giving one a series of references from which to loft a 3d model. As a model designer, this is the ONLY real missing functionality that I have to revert back to Rhino for, for MY nurbs modeling requirements, when using Moi. This is a BIG BEG... please, please give us cses' in Moi

EDITED: 16 Aug 2007 by JESSHILL